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Закончите предложения словами ниже. есть два лишних слова. ■ anyone ■ anything ■ anywhere ■ everywhere ■ everything ■ no one ■ nothing ■ nowhere ■ someone ■ somewhere 1 does want this last slice of pizza? 2 'why are you standing? ' 'because there is to sit.' 3 i wasn't there when it happened. i didn't see. i know about it. 4 i'm very tired. i don't want to go tonight. 5 phoned you while you were out, but he didn't leave a message. 6 in this restaurant is too expensive. let's go to another one. 7 in my family likes peas, but we all like broccoli. 8 they live in tokyo, but i don't know the exact address.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.  anyone 2.  nowhere 3. nothing 4.  anywhere 5. someone 6. everything 7. no one 8. somewhere лишние: anything и everywhere

1.ifshe would studyhard,shewill passexam.2.as long asyou do notfeel better,you do not cometo school.3.ifyou do notrest,you will be verytired.4.doas long aswe do nottry,we will notprogress.5.whileyou will beto work hard, you'reoverwhelmed with allthe use.6.ifyou did not playwith the fire, the housewould haveburned down.7.if imade enough money, i'd buyacar forsale.8.ifyoudid not eatall the time, you would notput on weight.9.if the salaryis notsmall,i buildonthe work10.while we do notsleep enough,wewill never bea lot of energy

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