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Task 1.Fill in: will or be going to in the correct. 1. What time ... your train ... (leave) tomorrow? 2. I... (do) my homework between 6 pm and 8 pm. 3. She ... (study) English for one month next August 4. Tomorrow I .. (get) up at 11 am. 5. I... (go) for a run tomorrow between 5 and 6 pm. 6. Her skirt is dirty. She ... (wash) it later. 6 Task 2. Choose the correct answer 1) Mum told me ... before she spoke to me. a) not to leave b)don't leave c didn't leave 2) I've looked for my pen ...,but I still can't find it a) anywhere b somewhere c everywhere 3) After the storm there was ... in many parts of the region. a) flood b drought crain 4) This painting is ... one in the gallery. a) expensive b)the most expensive cmore expensive 5) This story is ... than that one. 5 a) the most interesting b)more interesting c)interesting 6) That picture is ... than this one. a) the best b)good c) better 7)... ... pupils are there in your class? b) How much; c) How old 8) Give ... the book, please. b) she c) we; a) How many a) me

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. Ben has played hockey.

2. She has bought some flowers.

3. They have gone to London.

Популярно: Английский язык