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Скорее ! make up the questions to the answers. 1. i live in canada. 2. i have omelette for breakfast. 3. he starts his working day at 9.00 a.m. 4. my son wakes up at 7.30 a.m. 5. no, i don't smoke. 6. we get to work by car.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. where do you live? 2. what do you usually have for breakfast? 3. when does he start his working day? 4. when does your son wake up? 5. do you smoke? 6. how do you get to work?

1.            how many contracts have you conclude this month? 2.            the firm wants us to take partial deliveries. 3.            i wonder when a manager will fly to paris. 4.            mr.denisov said that he would not be able to receive mr. braun tomorrow. 5.            there is less furniture in their new flat than in the old one. 6.            they didn`t have a car at that time, they have already sold it. 7.            as soon as i stay at hotel, i will send you a postcard. 8.            it had already dark by five o'clock in the evening 9.            were you writing a letter or watching tv when the phone rang? 10.  haven't you been on vacation this year?

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