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1.Teacher asked Sam how he... (to be)
d-have been
2.He...(ask)me where I want to go.
b-had asked
3.She...(ask) me when I... (do) it.
a-asked... had done
b-asked... have done
c-asked... had done
d-ask... had done
4.Tom asked Sam... he... (have) a job.
a-does... had
b-if... had
c-if... has
d-do... have
5.The girl asked me... I... (stay) there all summer.
a-if... had stayed
b-was... staying
c-whether... was staying
d-whether... am staying
6.Teacher...(попросил меня) to be careful.
a-said to me
b-ask me
c-asked me
d-told me
7.Ann told her children... (оставаться) at home.
a-to say
d-had stayed
8.Bob recommended me... (сходить) a dentist.
b-to visit
d-had visited
9.Jack told his brother... (не играть) with his toys.
a-not play
b-not to played
c-to not played
d-not to play
10.She...(велела ему не брать) a lot of apples.
a-ordered him to not take
b-ordered him not to take
c-ordered not to take
c-ordered him not to take

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

1 b
2 c
3 a
4 b
5 a
6 c
7 a(to stay)
8 b
9 d
10 b

In the summer i went to the camp, where i found many friends and girlfriends. but most of all i liked in the camp that every day we had gymnastics, because charging is a sport, and i love it. so i did not forget about my beloved grandmother, when i was at her i drank tea with delicious pies. once it's about pies, you do not have to forget and lose extra calories. in the summer, i maintained my weight through training. it was very difficult for them, but i was able to do everything that the coach ordered. i can not forget about my friends. in the evening i went for walks with boys and girls. i really liked to walk when it's getting dark. check it out so cool! i really enjoyed the summer, it was not forgotten.

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