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***вставь пропущенные слова: read. had. sang school. very well baby elephant was six. he lived with his mother and father in africa. he didn't go to he couldn' and write. but he could draw he liked to draw scarves and hats. he a lot of friends. they played and together.*** **перевод** вставь пропущенные слова: чтение. было. пели в школе. хорошо слоненок было шесть. он жил с матерью и отцом в африке. он не ходил он мог' и писать. но он мог бы привлечь он любил рисовать, шарфы и шляпы. он казахстане много друзей. они играли и италии вместе

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Ответы на вопрос:

School read very well had sang

Environment today is very dirty. many factories, which emit carbon dioxide. we breathe oxygen which give us wood and plants. but the people they cut down. we - the people and we have to defend our land environment. let us protect the environment. build parks. abandon nuclear energy. stop burning so many different waste. let's protect our earth.

Популярно: Английский язык