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Write a paragraph about the most terrible weather you have ever experienced

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      once in a cloudy day, i started to walk alone in the road near forest. it was becoming dark and i still had to go far to reach my friend's house. i saw the sky was covered with dark, evilish clouds and i started to walk faster. when i looked at my right side, i saw trees were moving side to side and making strange noises. my heart started to beat repeatedly, i didn't knew what to do. no cars, no people, only me . that time i exactly knew what's gonna happen and it was the terrible storm. when the lighting groaned, i started to run. the noises was really frightening like it would hit me in any single seconds. after some minutes while running, i heard the strongest lightning ever which hit one of the tree. it fell infront of my legs and i shrinked. i was shaking to death when i saw the tree burning. somehow i got into my friend's house and told them how weather can be so terrible.

Корневые волоски располагаются в зоне всасывания, функция которой понятна из ее названия. на корне она занимает участок от нескольких миллиметров до нескольких сантиметров. в отличие от зоны роста участки этой зоны уже не смещаются относительно частиц почвы. основную массу воды и растворов солей молодые корни усваивают в зоне всасывания с корневых волосков.

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