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1. what (you / eat) - a cheese sandwich. 2. where lunch today? (you / have) - at home. my mum's making pasta. 3. what (he / do) - he's an accountant. 4. eat out tonight? (you / want) - yes, that would be nice. where shall we go? 5. what (she / cook) - i don't know, but it smells good. 6. she products very often. (not buy) 7. could you turn the music down, please? - i (watch tv) 8. usually late? (get up) 9. she to the gym three times a week. (go) 10. he a sience fiction now. (read) 2. отметьте верные (correct) и неверные (incorrect) предложения. correct incorrect 1. he doesn't have a car at the moment. 2. i'm loving eating out but it's expensive. 3. do you recognize the man in the photo? it's our old maths teacher. 4. nowadays people don't mind paying more for healthy food. 5. can you answer the phone? i talk on my mobile. 6. i'm sorry, i don't understand. what does this word meaning? 7. you look worried. what are you thinking about? 8. we are going skiing every year. 9. today people eat too much unhealthy food. 10. she doesn't watch tv now because she's tired. 2. раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в прошедшем времени simple или continuous 1. when i arrived, they tv. (watch) 2. when he to work this morning, he had an accident. (drive) 3. how (the accident / happen) 4. he back from manchester when he a tree. (drive, hit) 5. when i got home i was really tired, so i a shower and to bed. (have, go) 6. the driver control of his car because he on his mobile. (lose, talk) 7. it raining when he to work (start, walk) 8. he a taxi becaus

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Ответы на вопрос:

1)do you eat 2)do you have 3)does he 4)я не уверенна(do you want) 5)does she cook 6)doesn't buy 7)вроде бы(am watching tv) 8) get up 9)goes 10)reads 2.неверные: 1; 4; 5; 7; 8 3.1)was watching 2)we're drawing 3)did happen.. 4)не знаю.. 5) went. 6) was talking 7)started.. was walking

1. look at my new dress! i made it myself. 2. when have you seen mary? — i saw her last week. 3. he is not at school today, he felt ill. — when he has felt ill? — he felt ill yesterday. 4. look at this bird-house. mike has made it himself. he made it last sunday. 5. he has gone already? 6. when you have seen him last? 7. i havent seen him for ages. 8. his health has improved greatly since i saw him last. 9. last night i felt tired and went to bed very early. 10. where you have spent your holidays? 11. at last i did all my homework: now i shall go out. 12. the building of the house has begun early in april. 13. the rain has stopped but a cold wind is still blowing. 14. we already have solved  the problem. 15. he has come a moment ago. 16. i  have never spoken   to him. 17. he just has finishe) his work. 18.did  you make  any spelling mistakes in your dictation? 19. have  you seen   mary today? 20. you were in the caucasus last year? 21. did  your mother promised to take you to the theatre? 22. не was abroad five years ago. 23. they have left england when he was still a child.

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