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2 Work in pairs. Think of more containers and contents. a fim of fina The consumer qu

How much chocolate do you eat in your life?

How many kilometres do you travel by c

A team in the UK looked for the answers to these questions and others. Guess the answers. There's one answer that you do not need.

In Europe, an average person in an average lifetime ...

gets birthday presents and meets people. Have we - really got that many friends? (1,700 / 103 / 628)

2 owns. TV sets and DVD players. (4.8/9.8/20.4)

3 uses bottles of shampoo and We're very clean! (1,267/656/198) bars of soap.

eats. Cows, sheep and chickens. That's a lot of meat! (1,201/21/5,024 / 4.5)​

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Алад. Лк аш. Илк. Ок. Ок а атаьа оаьалша шаьаташ а пшаьа а лаа а оаьаьашаьа аткл ка так п а шпьала ьпьп мт

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