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1. how old rensburg? 2. why .. he often go to the field? 3. who to the fire? (to come)4. rensburg could see the boy clearly, .. he? 5. i wonder what he about the negroes? (to think)6. did rensburg throw some water over the boy or - he goaway? 7. there always much work about the house? 8. what . rensburg to the children? (to give)​ глаголы вставить

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. how old was rensburg?

2. why did he often go to the field?

3. who came to the fire? (to come)

4. rensburg could see the boy clearly, couldn't he?

5. i wonder what he thought about the negroes? (to think)

6. did rensburg throw some water over the boy or did he go


7. was there always much work about the house?

8. what did rensburg give to the children? (to give)

Перевод нужен лови посмотри на картинку.ты ешь или пьёшь что нибудь из этих вещей? как много? (точно не знаю) напиши много или немного пример: я ем много овощей many употребл. если можно посчитать much если нельзя money,water,milk и т.д

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