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Suddenly Kay cried out. "Oh, there is something in my heart! I feel such a paint and soon after that he said, "There is some- thing in my eye." Gerda put her arm round his neck and looked into his eye but she did not any thing. "I think it is gone,' he said. But it was not gone it was one of the bits of the magic mir- ror which made everything beautiful and kind seem ugly and evil. Poor little Kay also received a small piece of that mirror in his heart, which very quickly became a piece of ice and made his heart cold and evil. 'Why are you crying?' said he. "It makes your face ugly. Oh, seel" he cried suddenly. "There roses are ugly,' and he pulled off some roses. ПЕРЕВЕДИТЕ ТЕКСТ НА РУССКИЙ ​

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I'm in the club eco care there are many people. and everyone does their job. denis cleans the pond, ben collects garbage in the circle, anna planting new trees, tezze puts signs prohibiting fishing ban on hunting and felling of trees.

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