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1. I look forward you soon. a) to seeing
b) to see
c) see
d) seeing
e) having seeing

2. They have a room available.
a) can
b) may
c) must
d) should
e) have to

3. Let me you to your table.
a) show
b) connect
c) leave
d) follow
e) find

4. How is the cheapest room in this hotel?
a) many
b) more
c) much
d) the most
e) the less

5. We are pleased your reservation.
a) confirm
b) conforming
c) on confirming
d) to confirm
e) to inform

6. I to London on the 25th of this July! Hurray!
a) travel
b) will travel
c) am travelling
d) would travel
e) travelled

7. He some visitors round the hotel.
a) is showing
b) show
c) shows
d) showed
e) shown

8. I was hungry but there to eat.
a) wasn’t anything
b) wasn’t nothing
c) wasn’t something
d) was
e) wasn’t any

9. Would you mind a few minutes?
a) waiting
b) to wait
c) wait
d) to be waiting
e) waited

10. This chief-cook is responsible making sushi.
a) in
b) to
c) at
d) on
e) for

11. I tomorrow, but the other waiter will help you.
a) won’t work
b) don’t work
c) am not working
d) will work
e) not going to work

12. you ever abroad?
a) have been
b) had been
c) would be
d) will be
e) were been

13. If you leave at 6.00, you on time.
a) - ; will arrive
b) will; arrive
c) were; would arrive
d) not; would have arrived
e) try; are going

14. The taxi on the way to the airport.
a) broke
b) broke up
c) broke into
d) breaks
e) broke down

15. Expensive hotels are usually ___ comfortable than the cheaper ones.
a) less
b) more
c) most
d) the most
e) better

16. The food cooked and well served.
a) beautifully
b) was beautiful
c) beautiful
d) not beautiful
e) was beautifully

17. Formal letters should be .
a) polite
b) informal
c) brief
d) complex
e) hard to read

18. It has been two months since my in Vegas.
a) departure
b) coming
c) moving
d) arrival
e) appearance

19. You can your passport from reception later.
a) take
b) bring
c) collect
d) get
e) find

20.We’ll to deal with your reservations as quickly as possible.
a) do our best
b) manage
c) want
d) enjoy
e) would like

21. She loves her job at this hotel.
a) quite
b) really
c) very
d) certainly
e) crazy

22. After the event, serving staff cleared the room .
a) quick
b) quicker
c) quickly
d) as quick
e) the quickest

23. What you to do when you leave university?
a) do have
b) would have
c) will have
d) are going
e) do like

24. However, it’s really good for my brother.
a) experience
b) problem
c) experiment
d) participation
e) engagement

25. Does this profession involve with food?
a) work
b) works
c) to work
d) working
e) worked

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Дорогой друг! меня зовут оливер. мне десять. я ученик.mой день рождения 6 октября.я живу с мамой и папой. у меня есть собственная комната. у меня есть компьютер в моей комнате. мне нравится играть в компьютерные игры. мое любимое время года лето. оно солнечное и теплое.я плаваю и играю в футбол каждый день. как тебя зовут? сколько тебе лет? когда у тебя день рождения? какое твое любимое время года? твой оливер. dear oliver, my name is ann. i am 10 years old. i am a student. my birthday is my favorite season is summer. with love, anuta

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