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Will we in a virtual world? написать сочинение на эту тему 150 слов

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                  пишу в формате эссеit is said that humanity soon will live in virtual reality.however, some people disagree.


there are many reasons to support the first point of view. it is not a secret that human civilisation is developing rapidly.by the end of a century we may have opportunity to resettle into another reality.secondly, the supplies of mineral deposits are running out, so we may have no other option.


but there is another opinoin. many  people   consider that we will never leave our reality.they believe that we will find another sourses of energy.this means, that we will not have necessity to move into virtue.





  this argument seem to be logical, but   people should not hope that their posterity will solve every problem.


progress seems to be fast, so we may have a possibility to live in a virtual world.but we should do everything to prevent ourselves from it.















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