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Make the sentences emphatic by using full or partial inversion if possible.
a) 1. He walked round so slowly that it was clear he was seriously ill. 2. He talked so quickly that nobody could understand him. 3. The radio was turned on so softly that we couldn't hear anything. 4. He spoke to her so coolly that she got offended. 5. He plays so badly and he looks so wretched.
b) 1. Philip was so irritated that I decided to leave him alone. 2. He felt so tired that he had to stop a taxi. 3. His voice was so sad that she felt sorry for him. 4. I'm so frightfully nervous that I can't do anything now. 5. She sounded so furious that Rowan looked quite startled.
c) 1. As he was brave, as he was full of life, he was not stoical. 2. As June looked soft, there must be strength in her somewhere. 3. As Scarlett was weak, she was going home to Tara. 4. She has more sense than June, though she was a child; more wisdom. 5. The journey next day, though it was short, and the visit to his lawyer's, tired him. 6. Ralph moaned faintly. Though he was tired, he could not relax.
d) 1. Miss Smith was small and slight and angry. 2. He looked very ill. 3. Everyone looked so young. 4. He felt extraordinarily helpless. 5. She looked different and smoother, thought Nicola instantly.
e) 1. It had never occurred to her before that she needed Melanie. 2. He had never felt George's presence without the sense of being laughed at. 3. Fleur had never been so "fine", Holly so watchful, Val so stable-secretive, Jon so silent and disturbed. 4. She would glance up not once at the small hill where his house looked over the ocean. 5. He met June at the Smiths' not once.
f) 1. Well, I wouldn't tell them anything if I were you. 2. Even if I had known the incident, it would not have occurred to me as important to mention. 3. She would have been retired if it had not been for her children. 4. If she should take him seriously, she would be forced to quarrel with him. 5. I had scarcely left home when it began to snow heavily.

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Ответы на вопрос:

4. Заполните пропуски словами из поля,

фестивали, пантомима, народные, пожилые и одинокие, вспомните, концерт,

скрипка, площадка, хор, приглашения

Одноклассники решили отдать (1) за (2) ... людей. Мы

уже отправили (3)

Джейн и Нет исполнят (4)

танцы. Клэр умеет играть (5) ... Джон и Сесиль очень хорошо поют. Oни

пели в (6) , в течение 6 лет. Я мог бы (7)

Всем (8) мое последнее выступление. Я и мои одноклассники любят тратить

время вместе. Участвуем в разных (9) и устраиваем пикники в

пикник (10)

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