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30 обведите правильную форму глагола . 1. chloe wath / watches tv every evening. 2. our teacher read/reads lots of books . 3. dad go/goes to work by bus every morning. 4.i drink / drinks lots of water 5. paul fly / flies his kite on windy days. 6.the children play/plays in the park on saturdays. 7. we live/lives in a dig house. 8. the boys hate/ hates fish 9. my mum wear/wears a uniform to work. 10. he ride/rides his bike to school every morning. 11. i usually fish / fishes in the river hear my house. 12. they are from italy. they speak /speaks italian.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.watches 2.reads 3.goes 4.drink 5.flies 6.play 7.live 8.hate 9.wears 10.rides 11.fish 12.speak

Iswitched off the light. did you wake up early? he didn't feed the pet. did you leave your english homework at home? i put on my gloves. did they arrive on time? she didn't clean her teeth.

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