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Write the recipe of a simple salad. Use the fruits in the picture. d.jpg


Read the task carefully and draw up a plan before you write down your answer. Внимательно прочитайте задание и составьте план, прежде чем напишете свой ответ.

If you are not sure how to complete the task, revise the material of the lesson ‘Cooking. Ordering food’. Если dы не уверены, как выполнить данное задание, вернитесь к материалу урока ‘Cooking. Ordering food’.

Pay attention to the spelling and the word order. Обращайте внимание на написание слов и их порядок в предложении.

Once you have written your answers, read through them once again for double-checking. После того как вы напишете свои ответы, прочитайте их еще раз, чтобы убедиться, что они написаны без ошибок.

For this task you can get 20 points: 10 points for vocabulary and spelling and 10 points for grammar and accuracy. За данное задание вы можете получить за использование активной лексики и правильное написание слов и за грамматику и точность в использовании конструкций.

Good luck! Удачи!

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Ответы на вопрос:

There was one friend of mine. she changed the school. she has problems with new children ,nobody was paying attention at her and she was very lonely at this time,she felt in depressy and asked me for a help. i told her,that she is more than any obstacle,she should be stronger because in this life nothing is easy and we should always keep climbing. we should be unbrokens.all problems in this life will change into experience. she was listening to me with pleasure. after this day she was always very cheerful and happy. she has many friends now and it's very nice to see her so happy

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