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Поставьте предложения в отрицательную и вопросительную форму. 1) the robbers has stofeu uor tv 2) the robbers stole our tv last hight 3) i usually have breakfast at 10.00 4) we were watching tv when the storm 5) i believe they will split up 6) mary was very bored during the english lesson 7) the students are lazy

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Ответы на вопрос:

1)отрицательная: the robbers haven't stolen our tv вопросительная : have the robbers stolen our tv? 2)отрицательная: the robbers didn't steal our tv last night. вопросительная: did the robbers steal our tv last night? 3)отрицательная: i usually haven't breakfast at 10: 00 вопросительная : have i usually breakfast at 10: 00? 4)отрицательная: we weren't watching tv when the вопросительная: were we watching tv when the 5)отрицательная: i don't believe they will split up. вопросительная: do i believe they will split up? 6)отрицательная: mary wasn't very bored during the english lesson. вопросительная: was mary very bored during the english lesson? 7)отрицательная: the students aren't lazy. вопросительная: are students lazy?

1the robbers haven't stolen our tv. 2 the robbers didn't steal our tv last night 3 i don't usually have breakfast at 10.00 4 we weren't watching tv when the storm… 5 i don't believe they will split up 6 mary wasn't very bored during the english lesson 7 the students aren't lazy 1 have the robbers stolen our tv? 2 did the robbers steal our tv last night? 3 do you usually have breakfast at 10.00? 4 were we watching tv when the 5 do you believe they will split up? 6 was mary very bored during the english lesson? 7 are the students lazy?

1.  i haven't been in london this year. 2.  we have seen this film before.3.  he hasn't met his parents.4.  she has heard this music before.5.  i have written a new book this month. 6.  they haven't finished their work yet.7.  alan hasn't had his breakfast.8.  cathy hasn't got up yet.9.  martin hasn't washed up yet.10.  we haven't told him the truth.11. have you mentioned my name? 12. has your mother already come? 13.  where has martin gone? 14.  why has john taken this book? 15. has  jane been at the theatre this week?

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