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Put the verbs into the Present continuous​

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с ! !

1   nothing funny in the situation.

there isn’t;

2   put on your warm coat, a strong wind outside.

there is  

3   actions speak words.

louder than  

4   strange that she didn’t speak to you?

is it.

варианта isn't it нет?

5   a few changes since you left last week.

there have been.

6   be at the lessons, please.

more active  

7   she is her sister.

twice as lively as

8   the chair  

has been moved;  

9   as you are wearing the fur coat, i think a strong wind outside.

there is  

10   henry is not his elder brother bob.  

so strong as;

11   i'd like this dish. it smells than the previous one.


12   she looked at him



i want you to do as you

are told  

14   too soon yet to say definitely if he will agree.

it is;

15   despite the teacher dictated he could, the students made a lot of mistakes.

as slowly as  

16   moscow is city in russia.  

the largest;

17   it's quiet today, no wind.

there is  

18 the newspapers to us.  

have been delivered;  

19   could you tell me how much time please?

it is  

20   ted is good at football but rick is


21   madonna was singer in the 1990s. her rating was very high.

the most popular  

22   dad phoned us and asked if our luggage

had already been packed;

23   a whistle if there is an emergency.  

will be blown;  

24   your car to edinburgh next monday.  

will be driven;  

25   the main witness in the room.  

is being questioned.

26   ann felt tired last night so she went to bed than usual.


27   his father's voice sounded i thought.


28   one of our windows by the wind last night.  

was broken;  

29   sheila couldn’t come to the party, a pity.

it was;

30   i’m getting and  

fatter and fatter;

31   our team only once so far.

has been beaten

32   when henry entered the hall he suddenly understood that his picture about.

was being talked

33   a well-known fact that the earth is round.

it is;

34   cheese from milk.  

is made;  

35   the bread automatically.  

is wrapped;  

36   dad often says that mom is his half.


37   here in summer.

it doesn’t rain

38   several people in an accident last night.  

were hurt;  

39   the students on the industrial revolution at the end of the term.

will be tested;

40   this picture probably by dali.

is painted

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