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Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в одном из следующих времен: present continuous, present simple, past simple. 1. various kinds of sports (to be) popular in russia. 2. both children and grown-ups (to be) fond of sports. 3. what (to be) the matter with her? she (to be) so excited. – i (not to know). 4. where you (to go)? – i (to go) to the dynamo stadium to see the match which (to take) place there today. 5. you (to know) that very interesting match (to take) place last sunday? 6. he (to go) to the south a week ago. 7. when i (to be) about fifteen years old, i (to enjoy) playing football. 8. our football team (to win) many games last year. 9. where (to be) boris? – he (to play) chess with his friend. 10. i (to be) sorry i (to miss) the match yesterday. but i (to know) the score. it (to be) at the theatre yesterday. you (to like) the opera? – oh yes, i (to enjoy) it greatly.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. various kinds of sports  arepopular in russia. 2. both children and grown-ups  are  fond of sports. 3. what  is  the matter with her? she  is  so excited. - i  do not know. 4. where  are  you  going? - i  am going  to the stadium to see the match which takes place there today. 5.  do you know  that a very interesting matchtook  place last sunday? 6. he  went  to the south a week  ago. 7. when i  wasabout fifteen years old, i  enjoyed  playing football. 8. our football team  wonmany games last year. 9. where  is  boris? - he  is playing  chess with his friend. 10. i  am  sorry i  missed  the match yesterday. but i  know  the score. it  is  4 to 2 in favour of the russian team. i  am  absolutely happy. 11. i  think  nellie  is leaving  for moscow tomorrow. 12. i  am  in a hurry. my friends  are waiting  for me. 13. you  were  at the theatre yesterday.  did you like  the opera? - oh yes, i  enjoyed  it greatly. 14. we  expect  you  will go  to london next summer. 15. her english  is not  excellent, but she is working on it. 16. a week ago they  did not know  what to think. 17. she is worrying a lot at the moment. but the problems are not very great. 18. last tuesday he was upset and had no idea where to go. 19. could you tell me the way to trafalgar square? am i going the right way?  

Once there was a frog. his name was mr. jeremy fisher. he lived in a little house near a pond. there was water on the floor of the house and mr. jeremy’s feet were always in the water. but he liked it, and he was never ill. one day very early in the morning, he came out of his little house and saw the rain. “i want to catch some nice fish for my dinner in the evening,” said mr. jeremy. “i have asked my two friends to come to dinner, they are mr, tortoise and mr. newt.” mr. jeremy put on his raincoat and his galoshes. he took his rod and a bucket with his breakfast in it and went to the place where his boat was. the boat was round and green. it was the leaf of a water-lily. mr. jeremy stood in the middle of his boat, and it went out into the open water. “i know a good place where there are many fishes,” he said to himself. when he was in the middle of the pond, he stopped the boat and sat down in it. then he put his rod into the water and began to fish. the rain fell and fell on his back. soon mr. jeremy wanted to eat. “i want my breakfast,” said he. “i am going to eat some flies, i like them very much,” he said. переведем с однажды жила лягушка. ее звали мистер джереми фишер. он жил в маленьком домике возле пруда. на полу домика была вода, и ноги мистера джереми всегда были в воде. но ему это нравилось, и он никогда не болел. в один день, рано утром, он вышел из своего маленького домика и увидел дождь. "я хочу поймать немного хорошей рыбы для моего вечернего обеда, - сказал мистер джереми. - я пригласил двух моих друзей на обед, это мистер черепаха и мистер тритон". мистер джереми одел свой плащ и галоши. он взял свою удочку и ведро с завтраком в нем и пошел к месту, где была его лодка. лодка была круглой и зеленой. это был лист водяной лилии. мистер джереми стал посередине своей лодки, и она вышла в открытую воду. "я знаю хорошее место, где много рыбы", - сказал он сам себе. когда он был посередине пруда, он остановил лодку и сел в ней. потом он положил свою удочку в воду и начал ловить рыбу. дождь падал и падал на его спину. вскоре мистер джереми захотел есть. "я хочу свой завтрак", - сказал он. "я собираюсь съесть нескольких мух, я сильно их люблю", - сказал он. ням-ням, вкуснятина: ) ну и вторая часть этого рассказа.

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