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Do m any children in England and W ales attend pre-school institutions? W hy? 2. Have all m aintained schools equal opportunities to provide the same level of education? Prove your point of
view. 3. How can you prove that in spite of all changes and alterations m ade during the recent years the system of education in
England and W ales is still class-divided and selective? 4. W hat
are the British governm ent's education policies? W hat do you
think of the main aim of the publicly m aintained system of education which is officially stated as follows: "...to give all children an
education suited to their particular abilities." Do you think English educationists have objective criteria to m easure these abilities? 5. W hat's your opinion of the fact that adm inistration of publicly provided schools is not centralized? W hat do you think of
schools' freedom to choose textbooks, include various subjects
into the curriculum, specify the material for learning, appoint and
dismiss teachers? 6. W hat subjects are usually included in a prim ary school curriculum ? W hat is the aim of prim ary education?
W hat m ethods are used in prim ary schools? 7. W hat types of secondary schools are there in Britain? 8. W hy do you think most
children in gram m ar schools are from rich families? 9. How can
you account for the fact that the percentage of those attending
com prehensive schools is becom ing a bit lower nowadays?
10. How can you account for the fact that independent schools
(especially public schools) which are not very num erous are the
m ost significant? 11. W hat is your opinion of the specialist
preparation in the sixth form?
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