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In the UK there is one day that all students like - Sports Day! It is
always in summer.
In British schools, the students are in
teams. You can win points for your
team all year round and also can win
points on Sports Day. Every team
wears a T-shirt the color of their
team. They also wear trainers, shorts
or trousers.
There are lots of competitions on
Sports Day. There are athletics events
and other games, too. For example,
thе egg (яйцо) and spoon(ложка)
race. It is like a running race - but
students have to carry a spoon and
balance an egg on it.
All students' favorite competition is
the three-legged race. Two students
are in each team. They stand next to
each other and tie(CBA3bIBIOT) two
of their legs together. Then, they
have to run! It's really funny and
you're lucky if you reach the finish
line without falling over!
It's great to win a medal on Sports
Day, but the real reason (npuyuha)
everyone loves this day is that it's so
much fun to play sports with all your
Task 2. Complete the sentences.
1. Sports Day is always in

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. дедушка с бабушкой. 2. прадед. 3. прабабушка. 4. внуки. 5. внук. 6. внук. 7. внука. 8. правнуки.

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