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Task 2. Correct sentences if necessary. Hcnpacıme npedromehus, echu neoóxoðuno. Артикли и неопределенные местоимения, которые возможно использованы не по
назначению, выделены. .
1. I bought any apples yesterday. An apples are red.
2. There is a soda and many juice.
3. She gave me an cake and any tea. A tea was hot,
4. There are a lot of nuts, many milk and much fruits in the our fridge.
5. That is my the porridge with some berries.
6. He was in the Egypt last year. He saw much interesting places,
7. The lake Balkhash is in a our country.
8. There are many stars. Look at a sky!
9. When's your birthday? My birthday is on a 25 of November.
10 Liza has got a few tea in the her cup.
11. My mum bought little biscuits for me.
12. We have got many yogurt in a fridge
13 There are any cherries in the our garden
14. They have got a lot of chocolate bars,
15. Ile spent many money last weekend!​

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Ответы на вопрос:

Незнайка, дубки, центральный, парк панда, правік, парк дім письменників,

Популярно: Английский язык