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Put the verbs in brackets in the correct tenses.(tenses) it was a clear day as i stepped on the board for the first time. i (1) … (go) down the hill and could feel the wind in my face, but i (2) … (lose) control and (3) … (slide) into the snow. what (4) … i … (do) wrong? my friend (5) … (help) me down the first hill and (6) … (explain) how to turn the board. next moment i (7) … (go) down the hill but kept falling with every passing minute. then i (8) … (realise) i (9) … (not turn) the board properly. i went down a little more, trying it that way. i finally (10) … (make) it. now i needed to get on the lift. it (11) … (come) so fast that i thought it (12) … (knock) me over. but then something very strange (13) … (happen) – i found it easy to get on the lift. i felt as if i (14) … (do) it in the past life. the next day i tried again and my turns (15) … (be) better.

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Ответы на вопрос:

It was a clear day as i stepped on the board for the first time. i (1) was going down the hill and could feel the wind in my face, but i (2) lost control and (3) slid into the snow. what (4) had i done wrong? my friend (5) helpedme down the first hill and (6) explained how to turn the board. next moment i (7) was going down the hill but kept falling with every passing minute. then i (8) realised i (9)was not turning the board properly. i went down a little more, trying it that way.i finally (10) made it. now i needed to get on the lift. it (11) was coming so fast that i thought it (12) would knock me over. but then something very strange (13) happened – i found it easy to get on the lift. i felt as if i (14) had done it in the past life.the next day i tried again and my turns (15) were better.

1.i'm writing 2.i'm not drinking 3.i'll go 4.i don't go 5.is reading 6.is playing 7.is playing 8.go 9.is rains 10.works 11.doesn't work 12.work 13.done 14.been 15.been 16.were 17.eats, he's eating 18.come 19.been 20.been

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