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Write the correct forms of the verbs using Past Simple. 1.Marie Curie (to be) born in 1867 and (die) in 1934. Marie
Curie (receive) the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1911 for her
discovery of radium and polonium. She (to be) able to isolate and study
the compounds and nature of radium.
2. Alessandro Volta (to be) the first person to isolate methane gas. He
(discover) that methane mixed with air (can) be exploded
using an electric spark. He also (find out) that electric potential in
a capacitor is directly proportional to electric charge.
3. Louis Pasteur (to be) born in 1822 and (die) in 1895.
In addition to developing the process of Pasteurization, Louis Pasteur
(discover) the assymetrical molecular structure on certain. He
(make) some of the earliest vaccines for rabies and anthrax, and the
reduction of a bacterial infection in what (to be) known as puerperal fever.
4. Alfred Nobel (1833–1896) (to be) famous for inventing the
dynamite. Alfred Nobel (to be) a chemist, innovator, engineer, and arms
manufacturer. One of his earliest inventions (include) the gas meter. At
one time, he (have) nearly 350 patents on various items.
5. Mario Molina (1943) (discover) the ozone hole in the Antarctic. He
(get) the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1995. Molina also
(co-discover) the harm that chlorofluorocarbons
(have) on the ozone layer

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Объяснение:Объяснение:Increase funding for special education. Helping students with disabilities access a higher-level curriculum requires more support services, potentially more learning time, better-trained teachers, collaborative teaching, and new instructional approaches.

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