Есть ответ 👍

1. The hotel manager ... our rooms before taking us outside to the pool. a. showed us quickly
b. showed quickly us
c. quickly showed us
2. I've been looking for cheap flights... morning!*
a. all
b. whole
c. plenty
3. She ... on the phone.
a. speaks always loudly
b. always speaks loudly
с. speaks loudly always
4. ... my mum nor my dad like travelling by plane.
a. Bouth
b. Either
c. Neither
5. He read the map so ... that we managed not to get lost.
a. carefully
b. careful
c. carefuly
6. I wish we could go swimming ... day!*
a. both
b. every
с. whole
7. I'm afraid ... the museums are open today. It's a public holiday.
a. neither
b. nor
с. none of
8. The exhibits in the museum are ... updated.*
a. regular
b. more regular
c. regularly
9. I think we'll either go sightseeing ... go shopping tomorrow.*
a. or
b. and
c. nor
10. You can ... the town centre from here on foot.
a. reach easily
b. easily reach
c. easier reach
11. I' ve got special memories from ... country I've visited. *
a. all
b. whole
c. each
12. They' re ... . *
a. often really late
b. really late often
c. late often really

Посмотреть ответы 1

Ответы на вопрос:

1. is he peeling the potatoes? - yes, he is.

2. are they walking in the park? - no, they aren't.

3. are you watching tv? - yes, i am.

4. is martin washing the car? - no, he isn't.

5. are jane and molly cleaning their rooms? - yes, they are.

6. is the washing - machine working? - no, it isn't.

7. are you reading a magazine? - no, i'm not.

8. is victor writing a report? - yes, he is.

9. is ann typing a document? - no, she isn't.

10. is the sun shining? - yes, it is.

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