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Nowadays the profession of an account is very important. every office, every organization has got centralized accounting. in every organization there is a specialist, who should be able to maintain the accounting, inventory, make accounting reports and settlements with suppliers and consumers, calculate profit or anticipate losses, calculated salaries of the stuff and so on. that is why we need qualified specialists, who are able to carry out necessary and very serious documentation, know the law and many other materials. therefore, a person who works as an accountant must be a very clever, responsible and serious. nowadays many institutions and universities in all countries prepare specialists we call as accountants.///

Преобразуйте предложения из действительного залога в страдательный. запишите их и переведите.1. their advertisement will be made soon. - их объявление будет сделано в ближайшее время.2. considerable efforts are being made by the government to solve economic problems. - значительные усилия были предприняты государством для решения проблем.3. i was met by the top manager of continental equipment yesterday at the office. - я был встречен топ-менеджером континентального оборудования вчера в офисе.4. the  project has been  accepted by the  buyers.  - проект был принят (одобрен) покупателями..определите тип условных предложений1. we shall sign the contract if they give us a good discount. (i тип - реальное условие)2. if i had the chance to work abroad i should learn a foreign language. (ii тип - нереальное, маловероятное условие) 3. if the weather had not been so hot last month, the goods would not have gone bad during transportation. (iii тип- нереальное условие относящее к прошлому)

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