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1. Although they finally decided to open the new office in Amsterdam, they … another major European city. * 1. could choose
2. could be chosen
3. could have chosen
4. chose

2. To generate income magazine publishers must decide whether to increase the subscription price or … . *

1. selling advertising
2. if they should sell advertising
3. sold advertising
4. to sell advertising

3. The manufacturing process … chemicals to strengthen the paper. *

1. requires
2. is required
3. is requiring
4. has requirements in

4. We are looking forward … you at the next year’s conference. *

1. seeing
2. to see
3. to seeing
4. that we will see

5. If the components … delivered earlier, we might have been able to start work on time. *

1. might have been
2. had been
3. were
4. would have been

6. If we want to make a big impact, … consider a TV campaign. *

1. we've got
2. we better
3. we had to
4. we'll have to

7. Since export regulations have been relaxed it has become … to work in the Indian market. *

1. easier
2. more easier
3. more easy
4. difficult

8. If the sales … soon, we’ll be in trouble. *
1. aren't improved
2. won't improve
3. don't improve
4. didn't improve

9. ‘The phone’s ringing.’ – ‘Don’t worry. … .’ *

1. I'm getting it
2. I'll get it
3. I get it
4. I'm going to get it

10. She overheard … about the closure of the factory. *

1. how they were talking
2. them talk
3. them to talk
4. them talking

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sunset valley

sunset valley is a city located on the atlantic coast. it is a big city with a population of 400,000 people.

sunset valley is a leader in finance, commerce, culture, media, entertainment and international trade. there are many global service organizations and banks in the city. also sunset valley is famous for its high-rise construction projects and skyscrapers.

sunset valley has a tropical climate with hot and summers and short, warm winters. but there is a hurricane season. nevertheless, tourism is an important industry in sunset valley. there are many festivals and events that people celebrate on the beaches. tourists like to visit the city all the year. the cuisine of sunset valley has diverse food and dishes. there are many cafés and restrains that suggest seafood.

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