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Перевести на правильно! кирилл михайлов, завоевавшей три золота, выходец из башкортостана, кириллу пришлось пережить аварию. сам спортсмен не любит рассказывать об этом, однако известно, что в 1999 году его сбил легковой автомобиль, когда михайлов передвигался на мотоцикле. в результате дтп четырехкратный чемпион башкирии по лыжным гонкам среди юниоров получил сильнейшие повреждения позвоночника. силе духа и врачей кирилла все же удалось поставить на ноги. однако в большом спорте 26-летний михайлов теперь выступает в категории «спортсмены с особенностями».

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Kirill mikhailov, who won three gold, a native of bashkortostan, cyril had to survive the accident. the athlete does not like to talk about it, but it is known that in 1999 he was hit by a car when mikhailov was riding a motorbike. the accident fourfold champion of bashkiria in ski races among juniors received a severe spinal injury. thanks to the power of the spirit and the doctors cyril still managed to put his feet. however, in the big sports 26-year-old mikhailov now stands in the category «athletes with physical characteristics.»

The building two years ago. was destroyed i by the news he had told me the day before. was surprised he at the airport tomorrow? will be met i into buying a motorbike by martha. have been talked yesterday the whole programme __ over to a report from bosnia. was given a number of priceless works of art in the earthquake.have been destroyed because my visa had expired i _ from re-entering the country. was preventedit’s generally agreed that new industries for the southern part of the country. are neededit’s incredible to think that these clothes __ by queen victoria. were worna new drug to combat asthma in small children. has been developeda number of political prisoners within the next week. were releasedthe problem to me. was mentioned the game to the children. will be demonstrated when i was young i by my aunt and uncle. was looked afterhe for nearly 12 hours. was operated on

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