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They lives peris Last year

She deaws well

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. Are you an optimist or a pessimist? A

2. I'm not sure. What does "optimist" mean? B

3. An optimist is someone who always sees the good in a situation. B

4. Is a pessimist the opposite for an optimist? B

5. Then I'm definitely a pessimist. B

6, 7. I always think bad things are going to happen. B, B

8, 9. I'm always afraid that I'm going to lose my job or there's going to be an earthquake or something. B, C

10, 11. You aren't just a pessimist; you're paranoid. C, A

12. What does "paranoid" mean? A

13, 14. A paranoid person thinks that everyone in the world is against him or her. B, A

15. I don't think everyone is against; I know they are.

16. That's interesting. Can I use your phone? C

17. Because I'm going to call the psychiatric hospital. A

18, 19. Before you do that there are two things I want you to know. C, C

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