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1. The results of their experiment were sudden and very noticeable. 2. All the computers stopped working. That was a very serious situation and it
required immediate action. Ellen called Mr Richardson. 3. She was fully
aware of the various faults in her own character. 4. The swimmer came
out of the lake. 5. The two parties began working together to form a coali
tion. 6. After thinking about it, we decided to accept your offer. 7. Lady
Redgrave said she had known what could happen in the future. 8. I know
that in our office there are clerks who are open to dishonest behaviour
and may accept an offer of money. 9. John had only one purpose in life
to become rich. 10. Mr Loveday said he was unhappy and dissatisfied with
his son's behaviour. 11. The school committee consisted of ten members.
12. If you have small children, you have to put a limit on your social life
and spend more time at home. 13. The first letter of the word "signifi
cance” is “s". 14. Now I can make this fact known to everybody: the
Princess is to marry in August. 15. Chapter Five is about the economy of
the country.​

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So when we kudanibud to go to england or america we were able to talk to them .andeven when we walk down the street and asks you a foreigner and you. suggest where to go.when you varascite and will cannibali and you poedete in france and need to talk to your principal. when you sing a song for kids language and others need to understand their words and vimesy and ask what it was чтобы когда мы куданибуть поедим в или в амереку мы могли с ними говорить .идаже когда мы идем по улици и спрашивает вас иностранец а вы сможети подсказать куда идти.когда вы выростите и станете кемнибуть и вы поедети в во францию и должны поговорить с со своим деректором. когда вы поете песню на языке и другие должны понимать их слова а то не моймешь и спросят а о чем она была

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