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You are going to read a blog entry written by a teacher. Read the text and decide which sentence (A-F) best fits each gap (1-5). One sentence is extra. TEACHER TRAVELLER
Monica Reading, a 22-year-old student from Sussex, tells us about the experiences of a TEFL teacher overseas ...
After I finished comprehensive school, I spent some time wondering about what I should do with my life. I knew that I wanted to go to university and continue my education, but not straight away. Many students take a gap year before they continue further education and that was very appealing to me. I wanted to work or to travel. That is when my dad told me about something called ‘TEFL’.
I had never heard of it before, and just in case you don’t know, TEFL stands for ‘Τeaching English as a Foreign
Language’. As soon as it was explained to me, I loved the idea. I worked tirelessly to save the money for a training
course and three months later, I was on a plane to Greece.
I became one of the increasing numbers of young people who leave the UK to get some work experience in a
foreign country. I arrived for a month-long stay in the country’s capital city, Athens, where I took part in an intensive, one-month course to acquire my teaching certificate. Thankfully, I was able to squeeze in some sightseeing as well. My only challenge was choosing what world-famous sights I wanted to see!
I studied at a fantastic teacher training centre, where I had three great teachers and made some very good friends.
I passed the course and was given my certificate. I was a fully qualified English teacher! I now had to decide where I wanted to teach. Did I want to work in Greece or in another country? I settled on Greece. I had fallen in love with the language, culture and history of this ancient land and I knew that I didn’t want to leave!
As is often the case, the training centre helped with job recruitment. They put me in touch with a private language
school and we arranged an interview. The school, however, decided they wanted me! They agreed that the course had given me the opportunity to get some teaching practice, learn new skills and adapt to a new culture, all of which proved I was ready to teach.
Teaching English is a very rewarding and exciting job. Each day provides a new challenge and it’s always great to
see your students’ progress. As well as job satisfaction, there is the opportunity to earn a comfortable sum of money from tuition. Some schools will even give you a rent-free apartment – so all your money is yours to spend!
I have found TEFL to be a hugely satisfying job. Who wouldn’t want to spend their life doing a job they love in the country of their choice? Spain, Italy, Mexico, Bahrain ... The world is your oyster! Whether working to travel, or travelling to work, teaching English in another country is something I would recommend to everyone!
A) The time had come to make a crucial decision.
B) Of course, there are benefits for you, too.
C) It would give me the opportunity to see another country and work at the same time.
D) I was worried that my lack of experience would put me at a disadvantage.
E) This is important when preparing to become an English language teacher.
F) After all, my belief is that ‘all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy’.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Выбери правильный ответ:

We ... to catch lots of fish!

are going

are to going

are go +

Выбери правильный ответ:

We ... to have a picnic.

aren't go +

aren't going

arn't going

Выбери правильный ответ:

... buy two towels?

Are you going

Are you going to +

You are going to

Выбери правильный ответ:

I'm ... to ride a big camel.

going +



Выбери правильный ответ:

Kelly ... to make a sand castle.

are going +


is going

Выбери правильный ответ:

Is she ... visit Olympic Sochi?

go to

goes to

going to +

Выбери правильный ответ:

... they going to come?

Are +



Выбери правильный ответ:

Is he going to plan summer holidays?

Yes, we are.

Yes, she is.  

Yes, he is. +

Выбери правильный ответ:

Where ... going to meet Brendon?

are we +

we are

am we

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