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Напишите 10-15 предложений на тему engineering

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Engineers are people who invent, design, analyse, build and test machines, systems, structures and materials to fulfil objectives and requirements while considering the limitations imposed by practicality, regulation, safety, and cost. the word engineer (latin ingeniator) is derived from the latin words ingeniare ("to contrive, devise") and ingenium ("cleverness"). the foundation education of an engineer is typically a 4-year bachelor's degree or in some countries, a master's degree in an engineering discipline plus 4–6 years peer-reviewed professional practice culminating in a project report or thesis.the work of engineers forms the link between scientific discoveries and their subsequent applications to human and business needs and quality of life.

Love  |ˈlʌv| любовь, влюбленность, любить, возлюбить, хотеть, любовный, возлюбленный done  |dʌn| сделанный noble  |ˈnəʊb(ə)l| благородный, знатный, инертный, дворянин, нобль, титулованное лицоloss |lɒs| потеря, убыток, утрата, ущерб, проигрыш, урон, , угарcold  |kəʊld| холодный, слабый, холодность, холод, простуда, точно, достоверноson  |sʌn| сын, сынок

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