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Choose the correct item. 1.You must/ have to wear school uniform at school.

2. My little brother can’t / mayn’t swim, he is too little.

3.Passengers must / mustn’t check in their bags before they fly.

4.I could /can ride a bicycle when I was 10 years old.​

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A  double-decker bus  is a  bus  that has twostoreys  or decks. double-decker buses are used for mass transport in the united kingdom, europe, asia and many former european possessions, the most iconic example being the red london bus. early double-deckers put the driver in a separate cab. passenger access was via an open platform at the rear, and a  bus conductor  would collect fares. modern double-deckers have a main entrance door at the front, and the driver takes fares, thus halving the number of bus workers aboard, but slowing the boarding process. the rear open platform, popular with passengers, was abandoned for safety reasons, as there was a risk of passengers falling when running and jumping onto the bus. double-deckers are primarily for commuter transport but open-top models are used as sight-seeing buses for tourists.  william gladstone, speaking of  london's double-deck horse drawn  omnibuses, once observed that " best way to see london is from the top of a bus".

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