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Correct erving
che very surprising news
after his long trip
4 Complete the adjective with
(-ed or -ing).
1 Wow! I've just heard some verys
2 Jack was exhaust... after his long
3 I don't really like Geography. I find
4 I want to learn more about como
programming. It's fascinat
5 I was really shock... after my bike a
6 I'm tired. I think I'll listen to some re
v. I find it really
1 Complete t
1 Til show
He told
2 I've neve
She said
3 'I can see
He told
4 'We real
They tol
5 'We'll te
They sal
1 Join the beginnings (1-8) with the endings
(a-h) to make sentences.
1 Glaciers are de
a steep walls of
2 Canyons lie between
3 People used to live in
b river but smaller
4 There is often snow on
and faster
5 A stream is like a
ca waterfall
d made from frozen
6 You'll probably get wet if
you stand near
7 There was a big pile of
e the coast line.
8 There are high cliffs along
f mountain peaks.
g caves in the sides
of mountains.
h earth in the
my bike accident
some relax Music
Eplore vocabulary
5 Complete the missing text with the
the box.
it with the words in
and by in x 2 selling that with y
our guide was a friendly young man
curly hair?... a big smile.
He took us to a little village a beautif
valley.... was surrounded.... Snow-ca
mountains. There were some women
costumes ?.... hand-made crafts. I bought
black bag ... little blue flowers on it.
a beautiful green
e women traditional
afts. I bought a lovely
2 Put the w
1 'Where
from /
2 When
3 'Are yo
if / we
4 'Please
5 "Be ca
3 Comple
form of
Vinyl rec
19th cer
audio ca
by digita
them .
ways th
and the
the verb expressions in
2 Choose the correct words to complete the
1 According to As a result of legend, there was
a princess who lived in a tower long ago.
2 In order to / Rather than save her, the prince
had to climb to the top of the tower, but it was
very high.
3 The princess tried to make a rope from her hair
so that/ in fact he could climb up.
4 Of course, / Then again, her hair never grew
long enough to reach the ground.
5 Rather than/In order to wait any longer, the
prince sent a large bird to fly to the princess and
carry her away
6 It can't have been easy to fly on a bird, but,
then again, / in order to love can make
anything possible.
3 Write the words and phrases in the box by
the correct definition.
6 Complete the text with the verb expre
the box.
take care came into existence
see the point date back go ahead
her rec
Visitors to art museums around the world should
remember that many galleries don't let visitors take
photos. These rules ... to a time when people used
flash photography, which could damage the art.
The rules?... to protect the art as well as to prevent
images being sold illegally. But nowadays, with digital
cameras and phones everywhere, museums are taking
a more relaxed approach. 'I don't really?...anymore
- everyone has a camera, so you can't do much about
it,' said one visitor. 'As long as people not to touch
the paintings, I think it's OK,' said another visitor.'1
don't mind if people and take pictures of the art
but I can't stand it when
they just take pictures of
themselves in front of the art
- it's so annoying!
arrive at your destination
go abroad go backpacking hire a car
reserve a seat see the sights
take a cab travel by rail
4 Rewri
1 The
2 Sor
1 go by taxi take a cab
2 catch a train
3 travel to another country
4 visit the famous places
5 get to the end of your journey
6 arrange to have a specific place to sit on a train,
coach, etc.
7 travel cheaply with your bag on your back
8 pay to drive a car for a short time
5 so

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) leave h) stay2) admit b) deny 3) strong d) weak 4) create g) destroy 5) real c) false 6) nice a) nasty7) poor i) rich 8) polite f) rude 9) pull e) push

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