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1 The concert has just begun. And yesterday it started much later. 2 He broke his leg last year. He hasn’t skated yet since then.
3 Here are your shoes. I have just cleaned them – Thanks, but I cleaned them yesterday evening.
4 How long have you been working in this shop? – For 5 years. – And when did you become a manager? – Half a year ago(6 months ago)
5 My brother has written several novels. Yesterday he finished the tenth book.
6 Where have you been? I have already finished my lunch/dinner.
7 Have you ever tried to give up smoking? – I tried 2 years ago but I started getting fat then.
8 Have you heard the news? Our neighbours have moved to Germany. – When did they move? – Last week.
9 I have never slept in a tent but I slept on a bench last summer.
10 It has been very foggy since morning today. Yesterday it was foggy too.
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По-моему это просто его слова, сделав фразу короче и понятнее вот, что нашла за 30 минут поиска:   because  if the territory were the meaning of the map, it would be impossible to say what the meaning of any particular map were if that map did not correspond to any territory -- i.e. any picture that could not be compared with what it was supposedly a picture of would be without meaning.  -  поскольку, если бы территория была смыслом карты, невозможно было бы сказать, каково значение какой-либо конкретной карты, если бы эта карта не соответствовала какой-либо территории, то есть любая картина, которую нельзя было бы сравнить с тем, что она якобы была картина была бы без смысла.

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