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1. all the world's countries should work together a) reduce b) increase c) lose 2 the floods destroyed food, and many people a) homeless b)starving c) tsunami happen all the time and in many parts of the world. a) damage b) disasters c)destroy 4. some friends of ours have by the sea a) balcony b) roof c)cottage 5. there are some beautiful flowers in a) chimney b) tv aerial c) garden 6. there is on the roof of our house a) balcony b) chimney c) garden 7. i think is quite good. a) memory b) someone c) remembers 8. i don' her name a) memory b) think c) remember is a place where doctors and nurses work a) a hospital b)a surgeon c) an injection 10. is someone who has a health problem. a) an ambulance b) a patient c) a surgeon

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1)все страны мира должны работать вместе, чтобыa) уменьшить b) увеличить c) проиграть наводнения уничтожили пищу, и многие люди a) бездомный b) голодный c) цунами 3)происходят все время и во многих частях мира. a) повреждение b) бедствия c) разрушение все что смогла то и

Recently, in my class we were studying bout sports. in my opinion sports is important in life because it helps people stay fit and healthy. and i also think that it helps people get used to normal types of diets. there are many types of sports, but i'm going to name the main ones: basketball, football, badminton and tennis. i like badminton and basketball, because they seem really fun to me. i do sports because it sometimes helps me get into a good mood and keeps me healthy.

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