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1) Ann asked the policeman for directions.

2) Sam took these photographs.

3) Their nanny takes them to the park every day.

4) John has made the presentations.
5) Millions of people have visited the lake.

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Ответы на вопрос:

фотки не видно прости я хотела но фотки не видно

Not so long ago i was in peru.it is a very old and beautiful city.   it is bordered by bolivia, brazil, chile, colombia and ecuador.   if you looked in trujillo, you book a date with the picturesque ruins of the ancient capital of the chimu empire - chan chan. amazingly beautiful huge city was once built of clay and stones to become the largest military structure of its time.   colca canyon is the deepest canyon in the world is located 180 kilometers from arequipa.breathtaking when you stand on the observation deck cruz del condor and watched the swift giant andean condor, tearing the silence piercing cries.  i was once there. this place is both easy and mobile, now there are a lot of tourists.i really liked this place and i'd love to see him a couple of times.

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