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1.choose the correct item. 1)we (live/have lived) in hastings now. 2)i (got/have got) two brothers and a sister. 3)he (plays/is playing) football once a week. 4)we (are/have been) here since the shop opened. 5)i always (am drinking/drink) black coffee. 6)(has/does) he got a camera? 7)when did you (got/get) home last night? 8)(we are/we) going to stay at home today. 9)we (knew/have known) them for a long time. 10)i (worked/am working) there two years ago. 2.put the words in the correct order. 1)i /on saturday/ didn't/ you/ at the party/ see/ night. 2)some/ in the library/ we / interesting/ books/ found. 3)walked/ around the town/ have/ i. 4)every week-end/ do/ clean/ you/ the house? 5)slowly/ he/ getting/ is /better. 3.put the verbs in brackets into past or present simple passive. 1)the pet (feed) every day by a girl. 2)the thief ran away but he (find) by the policeman. 3)she always (dress) in funny clothes. 4)both boys (take) home where they (ask) questions by their parents. 5)he (say) to be my best friend. 6)the cathedral (build) by christopher wren after the great fire. 4.choose the correct preposition: out, of, on, at, in, for, to, if necessary. 1)please take that long pencil your case and put it the table. 2)please, don't go there. 3)where is jack? he's the blackboard. he's lokking it. 4)i usually go the office the morning. 5)take your pen your bag and write this sentence. what language do you speak classes? 7)peter is always time his lessons. 5.fill in proper article.1)when we want to write letter, we take piece of paper and .. pen. we first write our own address and date in right-hand corner. then on left-hand side we write greeting. we must not forget to leave margin in left-hand side of page. at end of letter we write ''yours'' and then sing our name..

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Ответы на вопрос:

11. live 2. have got 3. plays 4. have been 5. drink 6. has 7. get 8. we are 9. have known 10. worked 2 1. i didn't see you at the party on saturday night 2. we fount some interesting books in the library 3. i have walked around the town 4. do you clean the house every weekend? 5. he is getting better slowly

1) my parents expect me to clean up my room and take out the rubbish. 2) yes, they do./ no, they don't. (тут по выбору) 3) yes, i think so./ no, i don't think so. (опять же, по выбору)

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