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Английский язык, (смотреть вложение)

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**Complete the text with the verbs in

the box.


de listen to practise revise

study understand watch

My studying habits

by Ivana



my homework every evening.

I've got a desk in my bedroom, and I always

there. We have tests every

week at school, and I always 2

for them. I often 3

music -

but not noisy music. My parents are usually at home

in the evening, and I

them questions

when I have a problem.




I like languages. I sometimes

TV in English, but I don't always

! My parents have got a friend from

London - her name's Catherine. She's very nice, and


my English with her every week

1. is public transport in london expencive? where is the public transport expencive? is the public transport in london expencive or cheap? 2. does the fare depende on what does the fare depend on? does the fare depend on the length of the joutney or the number of stations? 3. can you but the books of tickets what can't you buy in advance? do children under how much do children under 16 pay? do children under 16 pay half price or   full price? 4. do you usually   buy where do you usually buy tickets? do you buy tickets from conductor or at the station? 5. do you pay the driver on some buses? who do you pay on some buses? 6.are all london buses what type of buses are in london? are london buses double or one   deckers? 7. do you buy your ticket from on the tube? how can you buy the tickets on tube? 8. do all trains from one platform go   to the same place? what should you watch when you take the train? do all trains from one platform go to the same place or to the different places? 9. does the last train leave at about 00.15? when does the last train leave? does the last train leavev at 00.15 or 00.30?  

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