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Выберите правильный ответ:
Эта книга:
that book 2) this book 3) these books 4) those books
те шляпы:
that hat 2) this hat 3) these hats 4) those hats
Тот холм:
that hill 2) this hill 3) these hills 4) those hills
эти лошади:
that horse 2) this horse 3) these horses 4) those horses
та роза:
that rose 2) this rose 3) these roses 4) those roses
этот муравей:
that ant 2) this ant 3) these ants 4) those ants
те крючки:
that hook 2) this hook 3) these hooks 4) those hooks​

Посмотреть ответы 2

Ответы на вопрос:

1.this book

2.that hill

3.these horses

4.that rose

5.this ant

6.those hooks

A. america was discovered in 1492. b. the newspaper is not brought in the morning. c. the letter will be written next monday. d. two apples are given every day. e. that photo was taken yesterday. f. the news will not be told tomorrow.

Популярно: Английский язык