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Why were the Kazakh people sad? 2.Why did Aldar-Kosse decide to help the kazakh people?
3.What did Aldar Kosse ask the creator to give the Kazakh people?
4.Where did the Creator keep all the treasures?
5.How did Aldar Kosse get the treasures out?

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. Kazakh people were given an empty steppe.

2. Aldar-Kosse was very kind.

3. Aldar-Kosse asked the Creator to provide Kazakh people with some mountains.

4. The Creator kept all his treasures in a sack.

5. Aldar-Kosse noticed where the Creator held his treasures, so he secretly made a hole in it. After that, all the other treasures fell out of the sack right in the middle of the empty Kazakh steppe.


Every day i go to school at (тут пиши время). i usually have 7 or 8 lessens every day. after lessons i have different extra lessons. (тут пиши в какой кружок ходишь или на доп. занятия) i usually come home at about 7 p.m or 8 p.m. when i come home i start to do my homework. after my homework, i relax. i watch some cartoons on tv or chat with my friends. i go to sleep at 11 p.m короче, можешь добавить еще подробностей, я тебе скелет расписания составила.

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