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Complete with this, that, these, those, here, there.
1.Those pens are
books are here.
rulers are there.
4. These monkeys are_
dog is here.
is there.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Alot of people think that working after school is a great idea, but some people think differently. let us discuss. in my opinion, working after school is an unforgettable experience for a  student, because such activity makes us more responsible. in addition, it is a cool chance to realise a bit adult life. part-time job depends on interests of teenagers and opportunites. however, others consider in another way. they think that teenager can pay too much attention to the part-time job and they  can make their studying get worse. nevertheless, i strongly believe that if parents and teachers would motivate teenagers and i think pupils should realise that studying at school much more important than part-time job, because later they would leave that job for studying somewhere for the future real job. to sum up, as you see,  as one wise english proverb says: as many people as many minds, that is why  only you can choose what is up to you.

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