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1. When was Doyle born? (Когда Дойл родился?) 2. Where was Doyle born? (Где Дойл родился?)

3. What did he study at university? ( Что он изучал в университете?)

4. When did he write his first story about Holmes and Watson? (Когда он написал свой первый рассказ о Холмс и Ватсон?)

5. How many stories did he write about these characters? (Сколько рассказов он написал об этих персонажах?)

6. When did Doyle die? (Когда Дойл умер?)

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) Doyle was born in 1859

2)He was born in Edinburgh, Scotland

3) At university he studied to become a doctor

4) In 1886 he wrote his first story about Holmes and Watson

5) Doyle wrote 56 stories about them

6) He died in England in 1930

Iwas at the cinema. i was not at zoo yesterday. she and he were in the party

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