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Give the second and the third forms of the following verbs find the verbs in the text and translate the sentences in which the are used into russian : cover, belong, wash, border, include, begin, struggle,drive, succed, break, comprise, elect

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дайте вторую и третью формы следующих глаголов найдите глаголы в тексте и переведите предложения, в которых они используются, на язык: обложка, принадлежность, стирка, окаймление, включение, начало, борьба, вождение, успех, разрыв, включение , избрать

In the usa you can't drink alcohol unless you're 21. in the usa you can't steal. in the usa in some states you can do drugs. in the usa you can drive a car if you have license since 14. in the usa you can express your opinion and have your own point of view. in the usa you can join army. in the usa you can't get applied for a well-paid job if you don't know the language.

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