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Установите достоверность приведенных ниже высказываний (T/F): 1. The people who live in the UK register to vote, so everyone has a vote.

2. MP means a Member of Parliament.

3. The Conservatives had a majority of seats, so they formed a government.

4. The Liberal Democrats don’t have quite so many Members of Parliament now.

5. There are national parties from Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland specific to those countries who are MPs for their national party related to that country.

6. There are 650 MPs.

7. Brexit was the withdrawal of the UK from the EU.

8. London is divided into council areas.

9. Each council is divided up into smaller areas called wards.

10. Raving Loony Party is a satiric political party established in the UK by a musician.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.Look at the clouds! It ___

a)is going to rain

b)will rain


d) will be raining

2.This time next week, we round the islands

a) will cruise

b) will have cruised

c) will be cruising

d) will cruised

3.The tourist train at 04:30 p.m.

a) will be leaving

b) leaves

c) is leaving

d) will leave

4.As soon as I have the money, I a new car.

a) will have bought

b) will be buying

c) will buy

d) buy

5. I hope you your vacation on Bali.

a) enjoy

b) will have enjoyed

c) will enjoy

d) will be enjoying


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