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1. The recent book by this philosopher and mathematician is being made ready for publication. (where). 2. Such buildings are being re- constructed. (why). 3. These laws are being studied by children. (why). 4. This statement was being made by one of the administrators. (where and when). 5. Such information is not being produced now. (why). 6. The result of their work was being discussed during the recent meeting. (by whom). 7. Numbers are being multiplied, divided, added, and subtracted with the help of a calculator. (in what way). 8. They were being asked about their recent research when we came. (by whom).

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Ответы на вопрос:

1)i often play the piano. i played the piano yesterday. 2)he cleans his room every saturday. he cleaned his room last saturday. 3)she always asks a lot of questions. she asked five questions yesterday. 4)little tom likes to collect things. last year he collected little cars, now he collectes postcards. 5)granny always answers letters. yesterday she answered two letters.

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