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1. Let me (stay) up a little longer. I don't want to come back in empty house. 2. The attic needs (paint).
3. They didn't let us (leave) the room.
4. He's not old enough (drive) a car.
5. I can't stand (watch stupid videos.
6. My parents made me (stay) at home.
7. Will you help me (repair) this toy?
8. It's not worth (try) to spend your time on him.
9. You should (be) very careful when you cross the street.
10. You should avoid (have) an argument with your mother.
11. I don't mind (help) you with the homework.
12. I'm hungry! How about (order) a pizza?
13. I would like (be) a doctor when I'm older.
14. Her mother made her (tell) where she had been last night.
15. It's too late (apply) for the job. They've already found a teacher.
16. I love (play) board games with my family.
17. He went to the gym without (eat) any dinner.
18. I remember (put) my wallet in my bag before I left home.
19. Did you remember (buy) some milk?
20. Why don't you try (drink) not so much coffee?
21. I tried (open) the door but I couldn't.
22. I will never forget (meet) you for the first time.
23. Rita forgot (buy) milk.​

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Ответы на вопрос:

ответ:коли твоя вечірка : моя вечірка (время) my party is

Яка по темі вечіркa : Я маю (тема) вечірка I am having... party

Де вона : вона є (місце)

Коли починається: вона починається at(час) It starts at.. ..

Кого збираєшся запросити : я збираюсь запросити (ім'я, людина) I am going to invite

Що будеш там робити: я збираюся робити (що робити) I am going to have..(наприклад танці.)


Популярно: Английский язык