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1 Complete the text with the correct form of going to. Дополни текст правильной формой глагола am/is/are going to
Dear Tamsin,
How are you? (you/ come) 1____ _ come ______________ to my brother Brad's party on Sunday? (We / have) 2____(Brad/ __________________ a great time! (Brad/ play) 3______ There____________________ the guitar, so we can sing as well. (There/ be) 4______ not stay) __________ a competition for the best costume, so use your imagination! The only problem is that (we/ not stay) 5____ Mum and I _______________ very late, because Brad has an exam in the morning. Anyway, I hope you can come. (Mum and I/ send) 6________ Sara._____________ the invitations now!
Mark: __ /6
2 Complete the dialogue with the correct form of will. Дополни диалог правильной формой глагола will.
A So what (you / do) 1____will____do__________ when you finish school?
B I'm not sure. First of all, (I / have) 2_____will it_________ a good holiday after all those exams! (It / not be) 3_____________________ a very long holiday, because I don't have much money, but I need a rest. After that, (I / start) 4____________________ looking for a job.
A (you / stay) 5_________________ here or go to another town?
B (I / not stay) 6________________ here! There's no work in this town!
Mark: __ /6
3 Put the words in the correct order to make questions. Поставь слова в правильном порядке, чтобы получился во Напиши название профессии.
1 A m__________ works in a garage.
2 A s__________ works in the army.
3 An a__________ draws plans for buildings.
4 A w__________ works in a restaurant.
5 A j__________ works in a newspaper office.
6 A m__________ works in a concert hall.
7 A b__________ usually works outside and makes new buildings.
Mark: __ /7
5 Complete sentences with the words below.
Дополни предложения данными словами.
earn experience gap lessons team training voluntary
1 I'm planning to do ___________ work for old people at Christmas.
2 Andrea wants to do a / an ___________ course in nursing after she leaves school.
3 They need to get some work ___________, so they are helping at their father's garage.
4 I'll learn lots of useful skills in this job, but I won't ___________ much money.
5 Helen is taking computer programming ___________ at the local college.
6 Molly's going to lead a / an ___________ of volunteers in the city!
7 Is Mike going to take a / an ___________ year after school?
Mark: __ /7
6 Complete the dialogue with the words below.
Дополни диалог данными словами.
name afraid speak back moment take
A Hello. Hotel Sweden. How can I help you?
B I'd like to 1________ to Mrs Jones, please.
A I'm 2__________ Mrs Jones isn't here at the 3_________. Can I 4_________ a message?
B Yes, please. Could you ask her to call me 5_________?
A And your 6__________ is?
B Brendan Nunan.
Mark: __ /6

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Ответы на вопрос:

much water

any money

how much milk

a few cars

how many apples

what do you mean?

does she

when do you

how does it

do we

we learn_ the

they don't know

does she use a pen

it doesn't work

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