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Перевести текст в косвенную речь : Hi! I'm John. I'm a taxi driver. You ask me, why I have chosen this
job? Well, the first moment I started driving a car, I understood
that I liked it a lot. So, when the time came to choose a profession,
I was sure that it would be a job connected with driving. Driving a
truck or a van seemed a little boring to me, as I am a rather talk-
ative person. I like communicating with people. I couldn't imagine
driving long distances without saying a word to anybody! That's
why I have decided to become a taxi driver. Of course, my job is not
ideal. You know, all these traffic jams and noisy passengers some-
times. But I just can't imagine my life without it!​

Посмотреть ответы 1

Ответы на вопрос:

1. саламинская битва -  480 год до н.э. 2. битва при платеях -  479 год до н.э. 3. битва при херонее -  338 год до н.э. 4. битва при гавгамелах - 331 год до н.э.

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