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10.1. вставьте to write в нужной форме. l.we letters to our parents. 2. now? 3. yesterday they tests from 10 till 12 o'clock. 4. who this letter? 5. i some letters last week. 6. tomorrow at 10? 7. when i came to her, she a letter. 8. letters tomorrow? 9. i this letter now. i it in some days. 10. his hometask now? 11. in the evening yesterday? 12. as a rule, tests well.

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L.we often write letters to our parents.   2. what are you writing now?   3. yesterday they were writing tests from 10 till 12 o'clock.   4. who has written this letter?   5. i wrote some letters last week.   6. what are you writing tomorrow at 10?   7. when i came to her, she was writing a letter.   8. will you write letters tomorrow?   9. i am not writing this letter now. i it in some days.   10. is he writing his hometask now?   11. what was she writing in the evening yesterday?   12. as a rule, he writes tests well.

  personal letter you have received a letter from your american pen-friend sam who writes: every day seems to follow the same routine at the moment. up early then breakfast, school, home and revision, revision, revision! do you have exams coming up in moscow this month? is it a big pressure for you? how many hours a day do you have to revise? on a more cheerful subject: our school band won silver in the state "battle of the bands" contest. awesome! if you're not burried in revision - send a letter to america sam write a letter to sam. in your letter answer his questions ask 3 questions about his summer plans

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