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Упражнение 1: Вставьте нужную форму to be:

We … going to live forever.

Who … going to look after your son?

She … going to read more this year.

… you coming back?

I … not going to pray before I do it.

What … they going to research?

Look! He … swimming!

He always said that he … going to be an artist.

Исправьте предложения:

We are go to check it out.

He left the town and didn’t tell where he was go.

She going to stay with Regina for a little while.

We will going to try and draw you into a conversation about film making.

They is not going to hide forever.

He isn’t go to pay anything for me.

I am the one who are going to that cave.

He go to publish photos of me.

Упражнение 2:
Вставьте was / were:

He said he … going to use his own money for it.

She did not say she … going to take some time off.

I thought he … going to hurt him.

He said he … going to see the contract through.

Irvin said that he … going to start dating.

Samuel announced that he … going to have lunch with the family.

She looked like she … going to America too.

He … not going to peach.

I felt that there … going to be a disaster.

Rosa … not going to let that happen.

They … going to get married in spring.

He … going to wash his car, wasn’t he?

My best friend Robert and his sister … going to ride their bikes.

He was ill but … not going to stay at home.

… you going to tell about it?​

Посмотреть ответы 1

Ответы на вопрос:

Barely — Hardly

Ancient — Old

Terrible — Very bad

Популярно: Английский язык